Nazdar 240 HDC Series

Clear Functional Fluids

Nazdar 240 HDC Series

240 HDC is a high-build varnish with outstanding flow for high-speed inkjet printing. With Satellite Reduction Chemistry built in, superior edge-definition, and optimum clarity, 240 HDC is excellent for digital overprint varnish applications. Once pinned, the ink film accepts foiling,hot or cold.

Clear Functional Fluids

Key Features
  • Curable with LED mercury lamps.
  • Designed for high-build applications.
  • Line speeds of 75 meters/minute.
  • Formulated for use with typical narrow
    web and roll label substrates.
  • Outstanding flexibility for folding,
    edge-cutting and creasing.

Overprint Offset
Label Stock
Overprint Laminate
Overprint Flexo
Shrink Sleeve
Overprint Drytoner

Mercury Lamp
*Can be pin-cured
with LED lamps

Satelite Reduction Chemistry

Nazdar fluids have been chemically designed such that each ejected drop has outstanding rheology properties that greatly reduce the risk of heavy satelliting. SRC helps with drop placement quality, reducing the need for the integration of mist mediation devices within the printer. Drops have visibly improved in-flight elasticity, with the ligature showing uniformity even at high throw distances.